Install anaba application on iPhone
We offer a mobile application for the iPhone.
The only difference is that you won't find it in the Apple Store. In fact, it's even simpler.
Just go to your native web browser on your mobile (Safari by default), type in the address and download our application as explained in the short animation below.

It then works just like any other application!
If you still can't download the application, please write to us at
The only difference is that you won't find it in the Apple Store. In fact, it's even simpler.
Just go to your native web browser on your mobile (Safari by default), type in the address and download our application as explained in the short animation below.
iOS 13 (Iphone)

iOS 12 (Iphone)

It then works just like any other application!
If you still can't download the application, please write to us at
Updated on: 19/07/2023
Thank you!